Medicolegal Support Services
Navigating Medicolegal Complexities
Advanced Training with Subspecialty Certification
Dr. Leland Berkwits is a board certified specialist in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, with subspecialty board certification in Pain Medicine.
As a specialist in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, he has over 30 years experience in the treatment of injuries or illnesses of nerve, muscle, and bone with a goal of decreasing pain and enhancing performance without the use of surgery. When combined with interventional pain management skills of fluoroscopically guided minimally invasive interventions, his experience and training provides the qualifications to understand the complexities of traumatic injury, thereby increasing case value.
Qualifications include:
ABMS Board Certified, Subspecialty Pain Medicine, American Board of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (ABPMR)
ABMS Board Certified, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, American Board of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (ABPMR)
Certified Independent Medical Examiner , American Board of Independent Medical Evaluators (ABIME)
ACGME Fellowship Training, Pain Management
18+ years experience in Interventional Fluoroscopically Guided Procedures
12+ years experience General Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation including:
Post-trauma orthopedic rehab
Spinal cord injury
Brain injury
Active Licenses in Tennessee, South Carolina, and Florida
Co-Editor, Atlas of Image Guided Spinal Procedures, 1st and 2nd Editions, Elsevier, Philadelphia
Lead Author, Atlas of Image Guided Spinal Procedures, 2nd Edition, Elsevier, Philadelphia:
Chapter 10, Sacroiliac Intraarticular Joint Injection
Chapter 13A, Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection
Chapter 15B, Lumbar Zygapophysial Joint Nerve (Medial Branch) Injection - Oblique Approach: Fluoroscopic Guidance
Contributing Author, Atlas of Image Guided Spinal Procedures
Chapter 1, Introduction: How to use This Atlas
Chapter 6, Radiation Safety
Chapter 11, S1 Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection